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Monday, May 28, 2012

A Brief Update

In less than a week Jonah and I will be living down in Visalia again.  My parents and Isaac came up on Saturday and helped us move all our stuff down to my parent's house.  We'll be living with them until we find a house to buy.  So right now we are sleeping on our pullout couch mattress on the floor in the empty infirmary.  We've been making lots of trips to Visalia to house hunt but so far the 3 offers we've made have been rejected. 

 Last week I was at my parent's house for the solar eclipse and took this picture.

I am now 31 weeks!  Today (May 28th) it is exactly two months until her due date.  Wow, I can hardly believe it!  She has been very active recently and her movements are getting quite big sometimes.  I had my first night leg cramp last night and it was not fun! I've had a few during the day but they've been mild and not a big deal.  But this one woke me up and in a panic of pain it took me a while to figure out how to stretch out my leg and flex my foot. Fortunately as soon as I was able to do that it stopped the cramp.  I'm still feeling pretty good, although things continue to get harder and harder such as bending over. 

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm amazed every time I see that eclipse picture and that big belly!