Our Children are...

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Eve

We decided to celebrate Christmas as just our little family on Christmas Eve since we were going to be busy on Christmas day. It was cozy, quiet, and not rushed.
We had a hard time getting this picture so please excuse the blank wall and our carbon monoxide alarm that joined our family for the picture.

 Emery with the first gift of the night.

My regular camera lense has decided to stop auto focusing so I have to focus it myself which is something I am out of practice. Its also especially hard to focus when your subjects move and the lighting is dim so please forgive the blurry pictures.

We got Emery a guitar and she loved it. Here Jonah is tightening the strings and she can't wait for him to give it to her.

Finally getting to play.
I loved our Christmas Eve and think it might have to be our tradition.

The Grinch House

On our way home from the progressive dinner (see post below) we stopped by the Grinch House to watch the show. I was hoping Emery would be a little more excited about it than she was but she was pretty tired so she sat quietly in her carseat and watched the lights.

3 Part Dinner

My dad has been sick so instead of the usual family dinner at my parent's we did a progressive dinner. Our house was first for pizza.

We went to the Nickell's next for dessert and a show provided by the kids on their tin whistles. 

And the last stop for hot drinks was at the Kerr's apartment.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

16 Months

Emery turning 16 months was on our christmas tree hunt day so those pictures are posted below. I didn't have any other pictures from that day so I just pulled some pictures off my phone of her recently (sorry for the low quality on some of the photos). Her new words this month are: please, thank you, peek-a-boo, love you, poop, baby, choo-choo, and sticker. I feel like she suddenly actually "plays" with toys and stuffed animals now and it's really fun to play with her. One of her favorite things right now is to wrap a baby up in a blanket and carry it around.

She picked out this Rudolph while we Christmas shopped.
Playing peek-a-boo on our way to get the mail.

She has fun putting clothes over her head and walking around blindly trying to find me.

Christmas Trees

Everyone spent the night at my parent's house Thanksgiving night. In the morning we had some yummy waffles and slowly got ready to go on our Christmas tree hunt.
Mom and Emery got festive.

These sweet girls are best buddies.

That night we put up our tree and decorated it.
Jonah taught Emery how to put ornaments on.
She enjoyed playing with the ornaments on the ground.
After we finished the tree we left to run an errand and when we came home we discovered our tree had fallen over. Our stand wasn't big enough for our tree so we had to get a new one the next day and redecorate.


We ran our traditional 5K Thanksgiving morning. Micah decided to run with us as well (instead of going on the walk with Grandpa and Grandma and the rest of the grandkids). 

Jonah vulonteered to make a turducken! He worked on it most of the week and sewed it up at my parent's house on Thanksgiving day.

It turned out beautiful.

We didn't get to spend time with the Trevinos this year which was sad but no one had any big plans and some people ended up being sick anyway.