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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2 Month Wonder

Guess who turned 2 months on the 29th?  This little cutie....

Here is what she's been up to:
She is awake and alert more of the day.
She sleeps through the night most of the time! However...
She is restless in her sleep at night so we have to take turns sleeping by her because whoever
is nearer her doesn't get very peaceful sleep.
She is getting good at holding her head up!
She likes to be held like a "big girl" so that she can use her neck muscles.
She is showing interest in toys.
She loves to lay on her back and play.
She smiles a lot.
She likes listening to Daddy play the ukulele.
We think her laryngomalacia is slowly going away.
She loves best friend Harlow's fish toy that plays music and has a flashing light.
She likes moving ceiling fans.
She enjoys her baths and cries when it's over and time to get dressed.
She loves to be held and walked around.
She is the sweetest little girl and we are crazy about her!!


Heather said...

Saying she cries after her bath is a bit of an understatement, more like she screams like a monster is attacking her.

Janelle C. said...

She is looking more like her mommy. Look at those big, beautiful curious eyes!

Sarah said...

She is so adorable!!!!!!!!!! Nice quilt too :-)